The Banking and Finance Oath can help improve ethical standards
Everyone who works in Banking & Finance should take The Oath. Established in April 2012 the Banking & Finance Oath contains a set of commitments that individuals working in the finance sector are encouraged to adopt and apply as personal principles in their work. To date just over 500 people have signed the oath which is a drop in the ocean relative to the number of people employed in this sector. I’d like to think the reason for the low sign-up rate is lack of awareness rather than lack of interest. So we want to bring greater awareness to the issue of ethics in banking and finance and also encourage people to get on board. If you think this is important would you ask your banker if they are a member and if not, why not? And if you work in the finance industry please consider taking the Oath. The Oath is a terrific initiative that enables individuals, their employers and the industry as a whole to send a message to stakeholders that we want to and will do the right thing.
Please join us at and take the Oath!
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